Converge buy now button

Buy buttons are the easiest way to accept secure payments online and can be placed on nearly any website or sent via email. The buy button or hyperlink allows users to click to pay and will bring them to a secure payment page where they can pay with the method of their choice, including new popular options such as a digital wallet.

Click to pay

Merchants now have an easy way to accept payments online or via email. The buy button or hyperlink will take users to a fully functional secure payment page where they can pay with the method of their choice, including digital wallets. Businesses and non-profits can use the buy now button to accept payments at a fixed amount or enable their customers to input a custom amount. Customers have the option to create an unlimited number of buttons. Each button can accept any amount of money – from USD $1 to $999,999.


Online and mobile payment solutions let you accept contributions wherever the opportunity arises.

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